Roadside Assistance in Winchester, VA- What It Covers

by | Oct 31, 2016 | Automotive

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Accidents can cause some serious mental and physical trauma. If the accident is serious, the person behind the wheel might have to be whisked away to a hospital for immediate medical attention. However, if the accident was caused due to the negligence of another party, and if your car was heavily damaged during the incident, you need to be more careful when deciding how to tackle the issue. The other party will obviously try to pin the blame on you or even avoid negotiating altogether. In the meantime, you can exchange insurance information and then consider your options for car body repair.

Call an Auto Body Repair Center

The first thing you should do is to call an auto repair center for roadside assistance in Winchester, VA. The company will send over a tow truck and a courtesy van to the location where the accident occurred. They will clear all debris from the road and pick up any important components that might have fallen off of your car. Roadside assistance can help save a great deal of time and money. If your car isn’t in a drivable condition, the company will hook it up to a tow truck and take it to an auto body shop.

Repairing the Damage

You can decide whether you want the car taken to the company’s certified auto repair shop or elsewhere if you have some other workshop in mind. The company will charge a small fee for its roadside assistance and drop your car off at the specified location. If you decide to get your car repaired at the company’s workshop, they might remove the towing fee and give you a lump sum package instead. Most workshops and auto body repair centers in Winchester also accept insurance from reputable companies.