The MIG Welding Advantage

by | Sep 19, 2018 | Metal Fabrication

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During the Second World War, the demand for producing weapons and military equipment was high. The military needed everything yesterday. The development of MIG welding during the 1940s was one response. It was ideal for welding aluminum and a variety of non-ferrous metals faster than was possible using other traditional forms of welding.

This MIG advantage was to carry forward into the post-war years, finding usage in shops in Cleveland and elsewhere across the United States. Although the need to use inert gases acted to restrict its usage to non-ferrous metals, this did not last. With the increasing development and common employment of such non-inert gases as carbon dioxide, MIG became increasingly popular, including steel in its arsenal. In successive years, technology improved its versatility and capabilities. Soon, it became extremely popular in heavy industrial applications using aluminum and steel.

The MIG Advantage

MIG welding offers a number of advantages. Many welders claim these far outweigh any potential and actual disadvantages. Among the benefits are the following

 * Greater Productivity: Welders can work faster and perform the work more cleanly
 * Easy to Learn: This type of welding is easy to learn compared to TIG.
 * Solid Welds: The result is a great weld
 * Efficient and Clean: No slag and minor amounts of spatter
 * Versatility: MIG welding can work with a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys including the all-popular aluminum, iron, steel (Standard and stainless), copper and nickel
 * Speed: MIG is a fast process that produces a clean and precise weld
 * Quality Welds: The results are always high-quality
 * Technology: MIG falls into automatic as well as semi-automatic operational categories

MIG Welding

Since World War II, MIG welding has grown in popularity. Fabrication shops and industries use it to accomplish weld quickly, cleanly and efficiently. Its ease of use and efficiency continue to make it a favorite in Cleveland shops and others throughout America.